Bittersweet - Good Book

I recently read a book called Bittersweet: The restoration continues, by Gay Lewis. This is a story for any pro-lifer who can see God's heart revealed through adoption. First published in 1984, Lewis tells the story of her daughter, Laurie, who discovers she is pregnant just weeks into her freshman year at a bible college. In vulnerability, Lewis shares their family story of walking with Laurie through her teen pregnancy and the emotions involved in prayerfully choosing adoption.

Twenty-five years after the birth of the child, Bittersweet was re-released with the addition of part two, which tells of the continued restoration of Laurie and her family as her beloved daughter, Clare, returns into her life. This is an honest story that testifies to God's ability to glorify Himself through some of life's most difficult circumstances. The struggle is present, but so is God's grace.

callie m.

Find more information, please visit The Bittersweet Website


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