Adventures in a Stalactite Cave

Over Pessach, Devin and I went hiking through Soreq Cave, just outside of Jerusalem on western slopes of the Judean Hills. The family of fallen Soldier, Avshalom Shoham, provided the funding necessary to open the cave as a state park to honor the memory of their brave son. Soreq Cave is not a biblical site (but can you really say that about any place in Israel?) , so most of the visitors are native Israelis. This made it a unique and interesting experience for us.

Here we are waiting for our group to be allowed in the cave

Inside the cave.

These are our friends Mike and Vered with their granddaughter. Vered was one of Devin's professors at Israel College of the Bible and Mike is one of Devin's running buddies.

Cool shapes.

This is one of the few zoomed out photos that actually turned out ok. The lighting was stunning in the cave, but not the best for cameras!

Posing for a photo in 90% humidity.

The Lord is an amazing artist. Beautiful.

It takes a long time for the stalactites and the stalagmites to finally touch; although, problably not quite as long as the scientist think! ;)

After our hike, we went outside and had a nice picnic. It was a fun day and so nice to get out of the city for a little while!

callie m.

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