Shabbat Shalom

Dear Family,

The Lord is so good to us! There are so many things happening in the world right now that could cause us to cower in fear. Our God is with us and we don't have to be afraid. We also don't have to given into fatalism by saying, "What' the point, the world is going down anyway?" We have a hope and a future through our belief in Yeshua. He faced all that could give us cause to fear, and He overcame it. Through this victory, we can walk knowing what hope and victory is. We live our lives for God honoring what Yeshua did for us, and that means living with hope. In Israel this can be a real challenge. There are continual threats here that other nations could not even conceive of nor handle. Please pray for the Body here to become the shining light of hope for a people so used to seeing nothing but difficulty.

Lord has been very gracious to us by helping us get established here. Callie is working on some very interesting projects which make her work really enjoyable. The Lord has been faithful to establish her here and cause her to prosper. She will start learning hebrew in a few weeks, so please pray for her mind to absorb the language well. The Lord seems to be opening some amazing doors for the language business here. Please pray that He would continue to show me how the business should progress.

Lately, the Lord has been teaching me about the mystery of His favor through receiving our shipment from the US. We have been married for six months now, and we have still not used most of our beautiful wedding gifts. This has been quite a challenge for a new bride, longing to set up house. After our honeymoon, we (or Devin, actually) worked really hard to get all of our gifts safely packed and cataloged for shipping. It was March before the moving company was able to come and pick them up, then we waited until May before our crate actually went out to sea. It is now June and although the shipment has finally arrived in Israel, the moving company has not yet been able to deliver our belongings to our apartment.

One day I was feeling particularly discouraged that this process has been taking so much time, then a friend shared with me that it took her family six months to receive their shipment from England. A few days later several other friends shared a similar stories of lengthy shipping time frames. It was then that my mindset changed from "its been three whole months...." to "its only been three months!" I had a revelation that what seemed like a long time for me was actually the Lord's favor on our shipping time.

He has been working mysteriously amidst the hold up to bring our belongings safely into the land. I just needed to stop being so self focused in order to see it. It is for this reason that we are instructed to give thanks in everything. We just don't know what all the Lord is doing behind the scenes to help everything work out for our good. As we all wade through a difficult economic and political season, we need to remember to be in a posture of thanksgiving for the favor, seen and unseen, that the Lord is bestowing on our daily lives. :)

In Yeshua,

Devin and Callie

(Devin wrote the top part and Callie wrote the bottom this week) :)


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