This Year in Jerusalem!

At only two years old, Aviel has now celebrated three Passover feasts!

His first one at the home of friends in a settlement called Kedar. He was only 18 days old.

The second one was in Ohio with our family.

During the feast, it is common to say, "Next year in Jerusalem!" We were glad to be home, to be able to say, "This year in Jerusalem!"

This year we celebrated Pessach, as we say in Hebrew, with a dear friend in the Jerusalem neighborhood, Ramat Beit HaKarem . Its believed that this neighborhood is the historic location where the Levites lived. Its a beautiful place and we always enjoy our visits.

Here's Ima and Aviel on our host's beautiful merepeset, or balcony. She has quite the green thumb.

Our little guy loved running out there.

...and jumping into his Abba's arms.

This was the lovely table setting.

Here is the Seder Plate. On the plate you will find bitter herbs, specifically horse radish to symbolize the bitterness of slavery; the lamb shank bone, to represent the lambs that were slain; an egg, remembering the festival sacrifice in the temple; karpas, or green vegetable symbolizing the hyssop that was used to cover the door post in blood; the bowl of salt water which represents the tears of Jewish people while enslaved; and haroset, a combination of apples dates and nuts that symbolizes the mortar used for bricks.

If you are new to the Passover Seder, we celebrate by reading through the haggada, or the telling of the Exodus from Egypt. Each one of the elements from the Seder plate is eaten as part of the story. The haggada also includes four cups of wine. Each cup has a meaning from Exodus 6:6-8

1. I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians
2. I will deliver you from their bondage.
3. I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.
4. Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God.

And because I like to tie the Holy Days into the life of Yeshua, its important to note that in the New Testament, the Last Supper was a Passover Seder meal.

While they were eating, Yeshua took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. Matt 26:26-27 NASB (italics mine)

The bread that was broken was the Matzo eaten during the meal, known as the afikoman, and the wine that He shared was the third cup of redemption. He did not drink the fourth cup because we will share that one with him at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb!

The symbolism of the Seder is so rich with meaning, both historically and prophetically. We are so thankful for Yeshua, the lamb who was slain so that death might passover us!

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