Shabbat Shalom

Dear Family,

The Lord is so faithful! Sometimes Callie and I sit back and think about how we got to this point in our lives and we just sit in wonder. Nothing short of the Lord working out His plan in our lives would have gotten us to this point. I went back and read a a few journal entries from the time when I went to Zambia for the first time. I m not a person who does well with journals. I have started and never continued several, but when I really have something to write, I do write it down. During the whole trip to Zambia, I was seeing the Lord work, but I was also pretty despondent about some things. One of the things I wrote was, "Well I guess I have to give up on having a wife!" It is hilarious that just 3 months later in that journal, I wrote, "Well, Callie is coming to visit tomorrow, and if all goes as planned, we will be engaged in a few days". Callie and I are now settling into the life the Lord has for us in Israel and all I can say is that the Lord is faithful. Please continue to pray that we would grow together through Yeshua so that we can be used mightily in His kingdom.

Please continue to keep Israel in your prayers. At no time in it's history has this small nation seen so much pressure from the rest of the world. When all her "friends" seem to have joined with the accusers, there is little else to do but turn to the Lord. That is something that we are praying for continually. Israel has arguably the most well trained army in the world, but that is nothing compared to the God of Israel being on your side. Please pray that Israel will cry out to her God for salvation.

Humanity as a whole is very obsessed with the drive to be or have enough. When we start to feel discouraged, the word enough invariably comes into our thinking. Maybe we think we are not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough to complete the task assigned enough. Maybe we think we are not attractive enough, personable enough, or rich enough to attract members of the opposite sex. These are all things that we as human beings have to deal with at some point in our lives, but what is astounding to me is when we see this problem of "enough" running rampant in the Body. Everyone from the pastors and elders on down deal with this on a regular basis. We say we are not spiritual enough, holy enough, pure enough, or anointed enough and we cut God short before He can really start working with us. I have heard people say they were not holy enough to be in the ministry, so they decided not to pursue a call of God on their lives. I have heard others say that they have tried but are not spiritual enough to follow the Lord so they stop pursuing God. Still others have said they are not anointed enough to contribute in the Body, so they sit quietly in congregations. Oh how quickly we forget the lessons we learn from our Bible stories. No one was nearly "enough" when God chose them to serve Him, but what they did have was the willingness to be used. All of scripture is made up of men and women who were not perfect, but decided to give all that they had to God. We have allowed an excuse to permeate the Body that we don't find anywhere in the scriptures. God wants to use each and every one of us not because we are sufficient in ourselves, but rather He wants to use us exactly because we are not sufficient. He chooses the humble to bring low the proud. He chooses the "foolishness" of the kingdom to bring down the wisdom of the world. The whole of scripture testifies to the fact that God uses ordinary men and women (with all their flaws) to give glory to His kingdom. We are supposed to be continually going through the process of sanctification and purification, but thinking that we have to be one with this process in order to be used is true ignorance. God wants to use us this day and the only thing we have to ask is this: "Are we willing give all we have to God and be used by Him?" Blessings!

In Yeshua,

Devin and Callie

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