
Showing posts from 2009

Shabbat Shalom

Sweet Poem

Shabbat Shalom

Growing Belly

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom

Yesterday was Yom Kippur!

Shabbat Shalom

"Shana Tova!" Its Rosh Hashana!

"Oh Big Baby!"

Thoughts on When to Start Your Family

Shabbat Shalom

Mike Huckabee's Israel Visit

Shabbat Shalom

Ity Bity Baby Bump

My Mom Met Beth Moore

Shabbat Shalom

The Sweetest Thing

True Love Waits... But What About Dates and Marries?

All the People in the World Could Fit in Texas?

Shabbat Shalom

Making Cheese Biscuits in Israel

Binding the Vanity of Creativity

Come Up Here!

Shabbat Shalom

A Weapon... A Weapon... A Deadly Weapon

Adventures in Antalya, Turkey